When you don’t have any cash in your pocket, a credit card is an essential financial tool that becomes your dear companion. The range of cashback credit cards available now seems endless in this day and age. Various cards are available nowadays, such as credit cards, gift cards, fuel cards, shopping cards, etc. The task of picking the best cashback credit cards from so many options is overwhelming. Several no-fee credit cards offer consumers rewards points, discounts, cashback, free cinema tickets, and several other benefits to pique their interest as a shopper.
Bajaj Finance Limited and RBL Bank Limited have extended their partnership with the launch of co-branded credit cards. RBL Bank is one of India’s most reputed banks, offering a wide range of credit cards. There is great difficulty in recommending just one credit card to suit everyone’s needs. The best credit card for you will depend on your credit score, income, spending habits, and eligibility. The credit cards provided by RBL Bank give you many benefits in various areas, including movies, shopping, travel, dining, and many others. A wide range of benefits are available when you use best cashback credit card.
Listed Below Are Some of The Best Cash Back Rewards Credit Cards in India
Bajaj Finserv RBL Bank ShopDaily SuperCard
The ShopDaily credit card offered by RBL Bank is the ideal and one of the best cash Back credit card for those who want to take advantage of the entertainment incentives available. This card is best suite for everyday use. When you enrol for the card online, you will receive a welcome gift of 2,000 reward points. You will receive one Cinsel Güven reward point for every Rs.100 spent on anything other than petrol.
RBL Bank Platinum Max Credit Card
The Platinum Maxima card is an excellent credit card choice for travelling frequently and watching many movies. The credit card enables one to get various benefits and amazing discounts on several things, including shopping, dining, and movies. One can further earn reward points on all purchases made with the card. In addition to Bonus Reward Points, you will receive a welcome bonus of 8,000 points when you make your first payment within 30 days. Furthermore, when you buy one movie ticket via BookMyShow, you will be entitled to one free movie ticket worth up to Rs. 200.
Icon Credit Card from RBL Bank
Icon credit card by RBL bank is one of the best cashback credit card designed for those who enjoy living in a luxurious and comfortable environment. This program offers its members exclusive discounts on restaurants, movies, events, golf courses, and other leisure activities. You receive 2 reward points for every Rs. 100 that you pay. BookMyShow offers you reward points based on the amount spent on restaurants abroad and weekends.
Bajaj Finserv RBL Bank CA SuperCard
Bajaj Finserv RBL Bank credit card is a very special cashback credit card specifically designed to cater to the needs of chartered accountants. It includes various rewards and offers specifically designed for chartered accountants’ needs. There is an opportunity to save more than Rs 17000 a year with this 4-in-1 RBL Super Credit Card and get immediate approval on your application.
Bajaj Finserv RBL Bank Platinum Choice SuperCard
This Bajaj Finserv RBL Bank credit card provides a convenient, quick, and easy way to finance your everyday expenses, allowing you to forget about your typical financial troubles. This card has several important features that make it a must-have, including emergency financing features, EMI conversions on expenses, and interest-free cash withdrawals.
Bajaj Finance RBL Bank Platinum Choice First-Year-Free SuperCard
Bajaj Finserv RBL Bank Credit Card comes with various attractive features worth paying attention to. In addition to earning reward points, you will also be rewarded with milestone rewards based on your purchases. Cash back credit cards Cardholders can utilize the card online or offline to take advantage of the card’s numerous industry-first features.
You will get many cash back credit cards instead of them but before choosing best one you have to focus on other features through which you can get other benefits like discount and reward points. So, that you will get more advantages apart from cashback. From these credit cards you will get extra benefits apart from cashback.