The logo you select for your mobile application matters. At the core of good design is not just APIs and clean code: the user experience with design does matter. In other words, the feel and look. Applications like Snapchat and Instagram have icons so iconic that almost everybody can identify them. How can you craft a good mobile app logo? Have a look on following 7 crucial tips.
Embrace Simplicity
At the end of the day, you are doing work with a logo that, on a screen, will usually be smaller than the size of a thumbnail. It is easy to be carried away when you are designing something at 1000 x 1000 pixels, but at its smallest, your icon might require to show at 29 x 29 pixels. Trying to cram too much in will muddle the identification of your app and destroy flexibility. An icon that can be really rapidly identified by users is good for branding.
Avoid Photos
It gets hand in hand with number one, but it is a general mistake for a first-time logo designer near me. Even if it seems to suit the theme of your app (an industry that seems to pair well with more difficult images, like wine, for instance), it will be overly hard and, at a really small size, it will be complicated for the consumer to recognize what they are certainly seeing. As Design Shack tells, you want to think of icons — graphic representations of concepts — not image.
It’s Not the Space for Text
Scroll through your mobile phone and you may notice that most of the apps you utilize do not employ a lot of any text. Trying to fit the name of your app into a small box is not only will be complicated, but it does not add a lot to the design.
It is worth noting that in many cases, the name of your app can go with the logo anyway which would make adding it to the design redundant. Some apps, like Pinterest or Vine, do employ single letters to stand as symbols that can work given that they are still a memorable design, and not only simply a letter pulled from a generic font.
Get Innovative
Android consumers have 1.6 million apps to select from; Apple consumers have 1.5 million. There is a great deal of competition out there, so you will want to stand out from the crowd.
As The Next Web specifies, simplicity is, again, usually key to hitting the best design. Some of the many iconic logos out there are quite simple shape compositions or universal images that everybody can identify. For example, the Brewski Me app logo.
Test Your Logo on a Variety of Backgrounds
Your logo can be appearing on a huge variety of background patterns and colours. Would your app easily suit a white background? As guidelines of Apple point out in relates to testing your design: Don’t just test your icon on a dark or light background, because you cannot predict which wallpaper people will select.
Commit to Substance
If your icon for a clothing firm is meant to appear like a textile, it transfers this clearly. For example, a jean surface logo does not have a shiny, smooth appearance — instead, it is suppose to embrace giving the consumer the feel and look of a soft weave.
Go Big With Colour, or Go Home
The last thing you need is for your app to suit the background, so why utilize dull colours?
So, be cautious when it comes to designing your mobile App logo. Craft your logo on your own or you can hire a mobile app development company that also offers affordable logo design packages. In this way, you can attract more audiences through your handsome mobile app logo.