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React Native vs. Ionic – Which is best and Why?

Are you trying to gather information about various aspects of framework development for your project? Your abuse will lead you to React Native and Ionic. At the moment, both frameworks stand out from the rest. So, what should be your choice?

If you plan to upgrade your mobile app, you should check out this post. Choosing to build an app is a great decision because almost everyone is using smartphones these days. There is nothing better than a business app to engage in its use and improve their lives.

A study by Gartner experts proves that about 70 percent of all business software solutions will work with mobile devices this year. Then again, the ecosystem for mobile devices is complex. To get your app published to both the Apple App Store and the Google Play Store, you may need two native development teams.

As you can guess, creating apps for two different platforms separately will affect your costs. One of the main reasons why app development maestros have created different platform development frameworks. Among them, React Native app development and Ionic stand out from the rest. This article will help you to discover the difference between the two.

Considering that difference, you can decide whether to hire a React Native app development company or opt for Ionic app development.

1. The popularity factor

Which of the two most popular? The first question that comes to mind is how business owners are trying to create an app designed for their businesses.

Both groups receive support from the wider community around the world. Both of these entities have gained the trust and respect of other large companies. These business companies have used their React Native and Ionic applications to collect large amounts of customer data. Also, end-users have been using apps designed for these sites for years.

As you can see from this graph, people have turned to the development of the Ionic app instead of hiring a native app development company back in 2017. It happened mainly due to Ionic years beyond React Native. By 2017, Ionic had grown significantly and was encouraged by the development of a stable, uninterrupted mobile app.

Then in 2019, Facebook worked hard to make React Native better than it was by launching a stable library. Facebook continued to update it regularly as it incorporated it into its special digital products and produced many success stories.

Here are some of the results of popular research conducted by market researchers in 2020.

  • Over the past few years, nearly 86% of all web developers have used Ionic SDKs to improve applications. On the other hand, only 16% of web developers have opted for React Native.
  • 71% of app developers created PWAs using libraries, frames, and ion tools. In contrast, only 21% of React Native developers were able to do the same.
  • At Github, Ionic enjoys 13.3k + project forks and 41k Github stars. Also, Ionic has about 238+ versions. React Native has a total of 89.1k stars on Github and 19.8k + projects are consistently built. To date, React Native has released 346+ versions.

2. The functionality factor

Just because React Native has won a thunderstorm cycle doesn’t mean you have to go to respond to React Native app development service to improve app performance. There are a few other factors to consider. The next point is to compare the performance of each framework.

  • Dynamic Runtime of React Native

The creators of React Native created the framework using JavaScript. JavaScript code connects to Android and iOS with the help of the JS API for mobile. This API transfers the required functions and data calls to the native platform API as both are always connected by a bridge.

  • WebView Wrapper of Ionic

React Native is based on Dynamic Runtime, but Ionic is about Cordova getting piggyback on WebView or a non-chrome browser view. The WebView component uses the HTML structure engine to provide HTML / CSS user interaction.

3. The learning curve factor

Both frameworks have a core SDK that integrates JavaScript, but there are differences. The flexible structure of React Native allows developers to easily locate the required components. There is one limitation, however – the developer must be familiar with CSS. They may even need to learn Flexbox, Redux with React, Axios driving APIs, ES6, and more.

On the other hand, Ionic is easy to install with npm commands with Cordova. The ng Cordova section provides developers with a powerful collection of all AngularJS services and extensions. In addition, Ionic even has Ionic Academy, an online educational institution. Provides step-by-step courses for developers of various levels to make learning easier.

4. The stack structure factor

Now, it’s time to look at the framework from a technical standpoint. It will help you decide if in-app development tools are better than Ionic or vice versa.

  • The structure of React Native

You already know that React Native establishes the link between the native parts and JavaScript by closing the gaps between the two links.

The most attractive feature of React Native is that the developer will not be able to do anything using the JavaScript feature. They can only upload it to the native application section. In other words, developers will create specific application components in React Native and more using fully customized native components.

Since the name of this framework is derived from the word “traditional,” you may be wondering if it is possible to develop a completely different arena. Yes, they can, but not every hybrid platform. Developers can use it to build a single codebase that will work on both mobile applications.

  • The structure of Ionic

The stack structure of Ionic has three different layers.

Ionic as the user interface framework

One of the main functions of this framework is to provide UI components that are not in the ecosystem for application development. It also has a CLI tool to make building, creating, and launching Ionic apps easier.

Cordova as the hybrid app framework

Cordova brings the Internet to work between the WebView API of the device and the native API. Cordova’s key feature is to close the gap between the Native API technology stacks and WebView HTML.

Angular as the web app framework

Ionic relies on AngularJS to build its customized UI components. In addition, Angular also simplifies things so that Ionic can use the required frame power, such as MVVM, MVC, or MVP.

5. The size factor

If you are to consider the development of various platforms such as Ionic and React Native, you should consider the size of the platforms. To upgrade the traditional application, companies such as Moon Technolabs must save 8.5 MB of frame space.

On the other hand, Ionic requires only 3.2 MB. Ionic is also the best platform when it comes to building small apps.

6. The time factor

Even the most advanced developers can take about a month to build simple applications using Ionic. However, the same developers need about a month and a half to complete their work on the application using React Native.

If you want to publish your mobile business solution very quickly, you should put your faith in Ionic.

7. The security factor

Application security is one of today’s most important decisions. What can Ionic and React Native offer about safety?

  • Ionic encryption

When working on the iOS app on Ionic, developers can add encryption features to their devices using the Cordova secure storage plugin. For Android, they need to lock the screen or swipe the system on the device for encryption purposes.

  • React Native encryption

Developers can rely on a few third-party libraries to store sensitive data in place. Some of these third-party libraries include secure React Native storage, React Native keychain, and sensitive React Native information.

8. Your choice

Several other factors require your attention if you are hoping to make an informed decision. Unfortunately, it is not possible to add more information to this post. However, you should stick to responding to the software development offered by Moon Technolabs if your project meets the following criteria.

  • Your existing website or applicant is working on React Native.
  • You need traditional forums as they are important for your project.
  • He has a team of experienced developers at React Native.
  • You have enough money to meet the budget requirements of a comprehensive development process.
  • You have ample time to contribute to the development of React Native.

Ionic should choose if your project adheres to the following options.

  • You have a special app view and are trying to present your presentation.
  • Users need to upgrade their MVP to raise money and grow their business.
  • You and your competitor have the same idea of ​​doing something great with today’s digital markets.
  • You have a tight budget and you should keep your expenses as low as possible.

If your app is about P2P marketing, video streaming, fitness, social media, or something similar, Ionic will be fine.

In contrast, React Native can be a better option if you hope to create a powerful solution with high levels of performance and responsiveness. Those who choose React Native do not have to worry about budget or time-related restrictions.

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