In a time where SEO holds more importance than anything else, it’s crucial to curate tactics that get you traffic and drive leads.
Now we are not saying that without backing it with evidence. As per statistics, 75% of users don’t scroll past the first results page. This number also doesn’t come as a surprise, given how quickly we check our results, click a few website links, and quickly move on. Thus, ranking well, especially on the first page, is more crucial today than ever.
It may sound burdening, which is why we are here to provide you with the list of our top 20 SEO strategies that a lot of blockchain pr companies use to help increase your rankings.
Keyword Research
The first strategy on our list shouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone, and that is keyword research. If you are utilizing keywords that are not relevant to your business, then you will not rank well when prospective clients search for you.
Search for which phrases and words best describe your company’s niche and the products and services. For example, using keywords such as “top blockchain companies” if your company provides similar services is the ideal option.
Use Long-Tail Keywords
Interestingly, long-tail keywords account for 70% of the search traffic. Therefore, you should utilize long-tail keywords if you want to increase organic traffic for your content.
When searching for something specific, users tend to use long-tail keywords. Despite having a low search volume, they rank well as it answers users’ queries.
Use the Right Variations of Keywords
Using a variety of keywords is helpful for matching queries that are related but not identical to your intended keywords. In addition, it draws more visitors to your website, even if they were not specifically looking for your targeted keywords.
As a result, your website’s visibility and content as a whole is increased. By doing so, Google is better able to match your content with more searches and comprehend the search intent behind it.
SEO Title Tag Optimization
Among the most crucial elements that Google considers when determining what your content holds and if it should appear on the search results page is the SEO title tag.
Let’s say you have a high-ranking website, but if your title is not engaging, it is possible that users may not click through to your website.
In short, creating intriguing titles and using your primary keywords in your SEO title will increase your click-through rate (CTR).
Use Your Target Keywords in the Headers
As we just mentioned, using primary or target keywords boosts your CTR. Including keywords in headers lets users and search engines know that your material satisfies the purpose of their search queries.
There should be a disclaimer here, though, as keyword stuffing only does more bad than good. Make sure you adequately use the target keywords in a way that is fitting and based on user experience as well as Google’s recommendations.
Employ SEO-Friendly URL Structures
Now we have to make URLs SEO-friendly too?
You heard it right; a research discovered that SEO-friendly or shorter URL structures surprisingly perform better than longer URLs. An SEO-friendly URL structure improves user experience by making it simpler for the search engines as well as users to comprehend your website’s content.
Let’s understand this with an example:
An unoptimized URL looks like this: https://www.example.com/d?16Zp_4A7
While an optimized URL looks like this: https://www.example.com/seo-techniques
Get the difference? This URL is concise, well-structured, and simple to read. Users and Google can both understand the intent of the page.
Utilize Top of the Funnel Keywords
The marketing initiatives undertaken to raise brand or product awareness are referred to as the top of the funnel activities. The goal of creating content that uses top-of-the-funnel keywords is to increase awareness essentially.
A great example for understanding this could be if your project is about mobile phones. The keywords used for this could be anywhere from mobile reviews and which phone is best to mobile on sale. The key is to draw the attention of users in their research stage.
Meta Description
The CTR of your organic search results can be increased with an engaging meta description. More users who see your page in the results will lead to them clicking through and visiting your website. This implies that you would have increased traffic even if your ranking remains unchanged!
Analyze Your Content’s Readability
Users must be able to skim through the content with ease. Easy-to-read content usually ranks higher than content that is difficult to read. Hence, it is always recommended to break down your sentences and paragraphs.
Make sure to include shorter sentences, shorter paragraphs, bullet points, images, etc., to make your content’s readability better.
Optimize Image Content
Visuals are becoming increasingly important as content with images appears to receive more views. Not only does the content look more engaging, but it also improves your website’s bounce rate.
And don’t forget the positive effect that it has on user experience. Optimizing images is for sure a game-changer for your SEO efforts.
Make Use of Keywords in the Image Alt Text
Speaking of images, how do we best optimize them? Well, simply insert either a short description or an alternative text to help the search engine crawlers understand what the image is about.
Ensure that the description is as natural as possible and not very complex to comprehend.
Optimize Video Content
Did you know that 87% of video marketers claim that employing video has improved website traffic? Video content drives a great amount of organic traffic to websites while also making them engaging for users.
So long as the video content is relevant to the search queries, you are good to go.
User Experience is Everything
UX has become an essential tool to rank well. Making sure that your website is easy to navigate, has a clear structure, includes crucial information at the top, and is free of clutter are all ways a website’s user experience can improve.
The focus here is to make sure the content is easily digestible and organized.
Make Sure Your Website Mobile-Friendly
Google relies on mobile indexing when it is indexing and ranking the websites. If your website isn’t mobile-friendly, the chances are that your site would rank lower and drive lesser traffic.
Adapting to all kinds of devices, especially mobile phones, is crucial given that a large population primarily owns and uses phones to search for information.
Add FAQs to Your Content
The use of frequently asked questions (FAQs) on your website will significantly enhance the user experience for your visitors. It enables you to respond to the typical inquiries about your products or services.
Another important factor here is that search engines often seek FAQs to provide information to users.
Links, Links, Links
Linking both internally and externally brings great benefits to a website. Internal links allow users to be aware of other content on your site. On the other hand, external links bring credibility and help rank higher.
Both types of linking make your content appear high-quality and authoritative.
Work on the Speed of Your Website
Slow websites are bothersome for everyone. The pace of your website is critical for ranking well to prevent people from leaving and going to another one.
According to studies, if a website that takes longer than 4 seconds to load would lose 75% of its visitors. Hence, you would not want to risk losing traffic as a result of your website’s slow loading.
Rank for Featured Snippets
Featured snippets are the search results that you see at the top, including an image and ratings. We see these often when we enter the name of products such as Apple phones or when we search for specific queries like best salad recipes.
This space is known as position 0, where you are more likely to gain better traffic and attention.
Make Your Content Fit Voice Search
Voice search is increasing these days significantly as it is more convenient to command your query instead of typing it. Such searches can boost your traffic and brand awareness. It will also assist in improving your search engine results page rankings.
However, to fit your website to voice search, you would have to implement tactics such as using long-tail keywords, using more FAQs to answer WH questions, and using a conversational tone in your content are some ways to achieve good results.
Upgrade and Republish Your Old Content
The last strategy on our list is republishing your previously published content. We all know the struggle to be creative and come up with new content every time. Not only will it make your content appear fresh and not outdated, but you will have a good chance of making those articles rank well if they don’t already.
Improving your old content can help drive organic traffic to your website and even make the best first impressions for new visitors.
With this, we reach the end of our top 20 SEO strategies. These strategies will assist your website in generating more traffic and leads and ensure that users are attracted to your content.
Make sure to stick to this and not go overboard, as it may only bring a negative effect. Overall, keep trying different techniques to see which gets the best results and success!