Does cultural distance affect online review ratings? Researchers have debated this question since there are differences in how individuals evaluate products and services across cultures. In this article, we discuss the effects of cultural distance on online review ratings. We also look at the impact of geographic distance and profile photos. Despite these differences, some researchers suggest that these two factors affect online reviews. However, further research is needed to understand the effects of cultural distance on the self-other agreement.
Impact of cultural distance on online review ratings
A recent study has determined that cultural distance between service providers and customers influences online review valence. The more distant the customer is from the service provider’s culture, the lower the online review evaluation. Furthermore, the cultural distance between the service provider and customers influences their trip-related factors and behavior. However, the study did not examine the same factors that influence the quality of online reviews. However, it does highlight the importance of taking cultural distance into account when reviewing services and brands, such as a Peachtree accounting password recovery service.
Several studies have shown that cultural distance affects online review ratings. Studies have also shown that the greater the distance between two groups, the more positive the reviews are. Furthermore, the greater the cultural distance between two groups, the more petty annoyances, and negative comments are likely to occur. While this may not be the entire story, this research is an important starting point for further study. Cultural distance may also affect individuals’ degree of self and other agreement.
Researchers have discovered that consumers prefer the reviews of people of similar cultural backgrounds. This means that the average online review rating of people from the same cultural group is more valuable to them than an average rating from a variety of reviewers. However, there are several ways to measure the distance between people with different cultural backgrounds. These studies will help managers and consumers understand how cultural space affects online review ratings. In the meantime, the study authors recommend that consumers focus on reviews from those closest to them, such as their friends and family.
Negative online review ratings and the cultural effect.
It is also important to note that the cultural distance between the reviewer and the company they are reviewing is negatively related to the self-other agreement between the observer and the reviewer. These relationships are essential for both parties because if they are incompatible, the customer will not be satisfied with the results. So, it is necessary to ensure that the self-other agreement is accurate. If a review is not objective, it will not be as valuable as it could be.
An international study has shown that the cultural distance between a reviewer and a hospitality service provider affects the quality of the review. In this study, consumers from different cultures rated a photo-present review as more realistic than a head silhouette. This study suggests that cultural distance affects online review ratings to a large extent. The authors hope that this work will help practitioners in the hospitality industry understand the factors that affect the quality of a review.
In the intercultural context, a company’s relational energy is positively affected by cultural distance. However, psychological safety may negatively influence a business’s and its customers’ relational power—higher levels of psychological safety influence employees’ relational energy. Therefore, the effect of cultural distance on online review ratings may be attributed to the positive impact of cultural space. The study also supports the growing research on employee relational energy.
Effect of profile photo on online review
In this study, we asked participants to rate the credibility of online reviewers by evaluating the realism of their profile pictures. We then applied Yates’s correction for continuity and found no significant association between profile photo-realism and rating quality. We also examined the effect of profile photos on booking intention, but this indirect effect did not reach statistical significance. We thank our participants for their participation! The results of this study are available in the Additional files.
In a study, we examined the role of the reviewer profile photo in consumer review generation. We found that reviewers uploaded a profile photo to boost their credibility, but the picture did not contribute to the review’s helpfulness. But, our data suggest that profile photos are crucial in determining perceived review helpfulness. Further, our results have significant managerial and theoretical implications. We hope these findings will help businesses improve their online reviews.
We found that profile photos did enhance trust and differentiation across cultures.
For example, in Dutch and Japanese samples, people with a profile photo reported higher booking intentions than those without. Furthermore, they obtained the same results for Japanese participants. However, we did not find significant differences in booking preferences among participants without a profile photo. Moreover, our results also indicate that pictures can affect overall trust and reliability. These results suggest that consumers are more likely to trust a reviewer if they can see the person’s face.
The study revealed that the presence of a profile photo modifies initial impressions. The choice of a profile image is dependent on whether the individual is a self-select or an unknown face. In our study, self-selection tended to confer favorable impressions, while other-selection led to more negative first impressions. However, the same effect was observed in the experiment conducted with random samples in all types of networking contexts.
The effect of profile photos on online review ratings is modest, but it does matter. Although profile images are crucial for visibility, the quantity of reviews is also essential. On Yelp, the magic number of visible reviews is six or nine. The greater the number of reviews, the higher your visibility. Therefore, uploading your profile photo and increasing your visibility on Yelp is essential. This is because the more reviews you write, the higher your visibility.
Effect of geographic distance on cultural distance
The authors’ study examines the relationship between geographic distance and eWOM effectiveness. They leverage variations in the visibility of eWOM messages on Twitter to address the question of correlated user behavior. Geographic distance increases the likelihood that followers make purchases. The authors suggest that geographic distance may affect eWOM effectiveness because consumers may form a sense of social identity based on their physical location. The spatial proximity may trigger online social identification with those who share a similar physical location.